Christianity Q & A is a blog featuring questions and answers about Christianity. It is a personal project of mine, a labor of love, put out there on the web in the hopes that it might help people reason through intellectual objections that keep them away from a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. If you are seeing any advertisements or copyright notices as you view the blog, they are not mine.
I got the idea for the blog from spending time on the old Yahoo Answers website, which sadly is defunct now and not well archived. People posted questions there on a wide range of topics, and anyone could chime in with an answer. In the Religion & Spirituality section of the site, the two largest groups of participants were Christians and atheists. As you might imagine, both groups spent a lot of unproductive energy shouting and talking past one another. Nonetheless, some of the questions there were serious, and some of the people posting them seem to be genuinely looking for answers. I started to respond frequently from a Christian perspective, and I soon found myself answering similar questions more than once, so it seemed useful to start collecting material in one place.
Because of this, Christianity Q & A might feel less like a “blog” and more like an encyclopedia of sorts (the posts are in no particular order, you’ll sometimes find that earlier posts have been edited to link them to later ones). Its purpose is simply to deal with the various intellectual difficulties and objections that stand in the way of coming to faith in Jesus. Actually living life in a way that reflects such a faith, of course, is an entirely different matter. I might eventually launch a second blog on that topic, something more about my personal journey and observations on life. I am a 50 year old man, married with grown children, originally from New England, and now living in Texas. I work in hedge fund management, not exactly the most Christ-like of professions, so as you might imagine I still have some issues to work through.
It may seem arrogant for anyone to venture answers on the kinds of questions you’ll find here. So I would like to offer some clear disclaimers. I have no formal education in theological or pastoral matters. I am an elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA), but don’t speak for anyone else in my denomination, nor do I endorse all of my denomination’s statements. I certainly don’t claim to speak for God. I do take each question seriously (although not, I hope, without warmth and humor) and try to put forth the best answer I can. I supply facts where they are available, and explain my reasoning, but reaching conclusions ultimately involves judgment calls. In some cases, my own point of view is a minority one within the panorama of contemporary and/or historic Christianity. Finally, I recognize that some of the answers I give on this site are wrong, but I do not know which ones.
In the past I have allowed comments on the website, but sadly the ratio of spam-getting-through-filters to quality discussion was extremely low, so I have disabled them for now. I would, however, welcome a friendly dialogue over email. If you have any questions about this blog, or questions about Christianity that you would like to see addressed here, please feel free to contact me directly and confidentially at
Last updated on August 22nd, 2024